After Cy Twombley's untitled painting
spraying water all over silence
I sit in history's grainy shadows
waves weighed lead-heavy with silver lights
crash against me & I crack
awakened, my eyes search for a Dionysian island
while clouds brush through a mist behind a mist behind a mist
where a lone boat drifts
my sigh causes the air around me to tremble
& I have no voice to call for happiness
a stained sun bows to my despair
& I am a birth abandoned in a desert full of unheard murmurs
a pearly wind reminds me softly to fly away
into the mist behind the mist behind the mist
where water falls into a bouquet of evening dusk
gazing into a nail-scratched wall of madness
I hear a voice repeating,
"where is the other shore?"
"where is the other shore?"
"once, only once or once more!"
I cry back to the voice until my cry carves
an emptiness into the blue of eternity
- after all,
the sky's vastness always runs parallel
to my never-proclaimed whispers -
"I will never rest until I find you"
a fire flowering in my trapeze-memory gathers
songs I have never sung when ornaments on my body,
ancient & new, flicker to the breath you swallow
oh Orpheus!
"once, only once & once moreā¦"
I cross the ocean full of chattering layers of foam
to reach one shore & the other & the other still further away
when darkness breaks into an interval of TIME
I uselessly force myself to ring a bell again & again
in my throat to tell you that I am "here"
do not
your heart
my heart
is yours
do not
an agonized
my memory
my memory
is yours
love-melancholy loves love's power
& extends its idleness to the dead end
but never asks for charity
beauty causes symptoms of love
& cures its ill-favoured allurements
a river runs through all cities, small or large,
where lust never shows contempt
for despair nor jealousy