Linda Kleinbub


In the quiet time of evening
when the katydid’s song ends
the moon still shines above.

She’s packing her suitcase
what will she carry home?

Under the silent stars
investments made in
time multiply or they

can disintegrate by
astronomical charts
sent via email.

Everyone knows
you need to look up
to see the galaxy.

Friend Request

Politics on Facebook
filled with manipulation and lies
I can’t play that game.
This public display-
show what you please,
fill your world with pretty pictures
or try to cure a disease.
Did somebody say
“Birthday Fundraiser Please?”
It’s the Facebook parade.

Self -promotion free of charge
Who’s in charge?
You can show me your nightmare
or put on a show, become a fantasy lover
who’s to know?
Guaranteed personality upgrade.
What? Now you want to unfriend me?
What a tease!

Linda Kleinbub is the host of Fahrenheit Open Mic, founder of Pen Pal Poets, and editor of The Silver Tongued Devil Anthology (Pink Trees Press). Her work is found in Best American Poetry, Brooklyn Rail, Observer, Yahoo! Beauty. She received her MFA from The New School.