Vyt Bakaitis

The Wound

even if it’s to the heart will heal
heart’s ache without showing
a scar much like spring flowers
after the height of their late-summer
crisis will fade to embrace the fall

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Take a minimum of sense
Then split it in two
It’s love what you get
No wisdom in view

Now you know no reason
Much better than this
To unscript kept secrets
Just to energize bliss

And envision the charm
How your countering kiss
Sets off an alarm
I don’t dare to resist

So we’re lucky to share
Such a pleasure as this
And long to persist
In our bliss


Giddyup, you little boy!
Listen up, or I’ll take away your toys.
Yours is a lifetime to enjoy,
Just pick the path that brings most joy.

With so much to say
There’s no time to play.
You must write down your thoughts.
Keep a folder, and don’t fret
To let yourself erase or write over.
The first thing you say should stay
In the voice spelling your future.

Borderline Link

He never crossed the line
Till he was double-crossed
Before he got there one of us
Got hauled off to slave labor
The camp we only heard about
Where high blood pressure
Felled him although he was one
Who survived having lost an eye
But that was later when he tried
Suicide before his wife grabbed
The gun away from him after
He’d collapsed and she had to
Lead him around like a dummy
By the hand and they kept
Bumping into each other like
A dance when you can’t
Even hear the music

Beauteous One

Being Beauteous
by Rimbaud with
his title in English
keeps the mystery
ever present here
— after

You are the one Adam
Mickiewicz the great
poet who wrote in Polish
and drew from Lithuanian
legends his many ballads
the first was Grażyna
about a young woman
who roused and led
Lithuanian troops
against the medieval
Teutonic Knights

Her name was one
Mickiewicz made
up from the Lithuanian
graži means beautiful femme
by adding -na for emphasis
that became very popular
a name throughout Poland
and Lithuania thereafter

The Gražina I know
she is the one whose
blue eyes show her
face from one side
has nothing to hide
true insight and hope
to oppose the fraud
of malapropisms
that veil malfeasance

I should know
from her look
what future she’d hold
in her arms but by now
age has dulled my instinct
except her photo I’ve kept

Vyt Bakaitis was born in Lithuania and currently lives in Chicago. His poetry collections are City Country, Black Thistle Press, NYC, 1991; Deliberate Proof, Lunar Chandelier Press, NYC, 2010; and Refuge & Occasion, Station Hill Press, Barrytown NY, 2022; as well as a book of shaped poems and photographs. His highly regarded translations of Lithuanian poetry include three books by Jonas Mekas.